Sunday, February 4, 2007

Leadership, Rudolph W. Giuliani

Rudy's Way -
The Way *I* Like It

Now mind you, I'm not a New Yorker - never have been, never will be. But I like Rudolph Giuliani. I like his leadership style, I like his common-man approach, and I like how he thinks. When he released this book, Leadership, I wasn't too pleased. I saw it as a way for him to cash in on the 9/11 events and I didn't consider that a cool thing. I did end up getting a copy of it though because it became required reading at work.

I'm the first to step up to the plate and admit when I'm wrong. I was wrong. It turns out that Rudy was writing this book long before 9/11. 9/11 just happened to give him an opportunity to share more examples of his leadership principles. Read More

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